Thursday, November 6, 2014

We're Doing This!

“This” meaning the Boston Marathon and “we” meaning me!

Yes, after living in Boston for 4+ years, I’ve decided to run the marathon and raise some money for an excellent cause: the wonderful charter school, Codman Academy! You can check out (and donate to) my fundraising campaign here!

Who am I?
I’m a writer living in Boston’s South End neighborhood. This means I spend my days making up stories in my pajamas, and someone pays me for it. You can find my first novel, Salt& Storm, in bookstores now! I’m also a new mom and a semi-regular runner.

My running partner
Meet Abby! Two years old with an enthusiasm for running only matched by her enthusiasm for squirrels, squeaky toys, and sleeping on the bed. Abby’s been my running partner for a year and a half, and I have yet to tire her out. With her penchant for switching directions abruptly and without warning, she’s going to make sure I’m the most agile runner out there.

My support staff

Dave: husband, father to my child, ran the Boston Marathon twice and the sum total of his advice to me was “Just do it!”

Iris: she’s a baby!

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