Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A Pre-Thanksgiving Run in the Rain

Distance Run: 4.03 miles
Time: 46:14
Pace: 11:28 min/mi
Most Challenging Moment: Wet sneakers :/
Most Inspiring Moment: I beat yesterday's pace by two minutes!

"How was your run?" Dave asked me, when I got back to Boston.

"Good. The weather was better."

"Oh, was it not raining?"

"No, it was raining."

"Wasn't it cold?"

"Yeah. Forties."

[confused silence from Dave]

It was when I called a run at 6:30 in the morning in the rain less than ten degrees above freezing "good" that I realized I had legitimately lost my mind. At least if the marathon is held on an unseasonably cold day I'll know I can kick the butts of all the pampered runners currently training in 75-degrees-and-sunny Santa Monica.

Although we're both running with ocean views.

Today's run actually wasn't too bad, despite the wet sneakers. I also felt once again the loss of my running partner/towing service, Abby. Monday's pace depressed me so much that I resolved to go faster, which meant that when I wanted to take pictures, I didn't stop.

Leading to this blurry masterpiece:

And this "Wait, is my camera still on?" moment:

Of course, all good things must eventually come to an end. 

Time to buy snow shoes!

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