Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Baby Resistance Training

Iris is just starting to enter that "I would prefer never to be put down, please," phase, which makes exercising a challenge. My current solution? Throw that kid in the Baby Bjorn and do some lunges.

Turns out that lunging down a 20-foot-long hallway with a ten pound baby strapped to your chest is actually a pretty good workout. I get to sweat, and the baby gets to view the world from a slightly bumpier perspective.

After lunges, I get my cardio in by running up and down the stairs inside our apartment. This serves the dual purpose of confusing Abby into thinking we're going to go outside, so she ends up following me down the stairs...and up the stairs...and down the stairs...and then halfway back up the stairs where she pauses with a look of puppy confusion on her little scrunched up face.

Are...are we doin' this?
Another AM run tomorrow, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my resistance weight doesn't wake up in the middle of the night with another stuffy nose!

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