Friday, November 7, 2014

A Very Blustery Day

Distance Run: 1.98 miles
Time: 25:18
Pace: 12:47 min/mi
Most Challenging Moment: WIIIIIND!!!
Most Inspiring Moment: Hit the walk sign both times crossing Mass Ave.

One-legged horticulturalists need not apply
After yesterday's wet run, I thought today would be a breeze, and it was, literally, as in "if I attached a parachute to Abby's halter, I think I could use her to go kite surfing."

This was one of those runs where you felt like you were going into the wind no matter what direction, and we didn't even run along the Harvard Bridge, aka the Portal to Foul Weather, aka the Never-Ending Bridge of Doom.

I kept today's run short so that my marathon-training enthusiasm doesn't burn out either me or my running partner, but Abby, who doesn't understand the concept of pacing yourself, was pretty much I WANT TO RUUUUN!!!! from the second we got out the door.

Still, we did an easy loop around the neighborhood, ending in the park across the street, where I spotted the sign above. True story! Right after I took the picture, one of the local dog walkers came up behind us yelling at Abby to not pee in the garden. "Don't pee in the garden, doggie! No garden pee!" This is the same dog walker who, when she saw me 8 months pregnant walking Abby, told me I would probably get rid of my dog as soon as I had my baby. In both cases, I laughed nervously and ran away.


I'm thrilled to have received the VERY FIRST donation to my fundraising account! Thank you to my generous donors (aka Mom and Dad)! Whoooo will be next???

Tomorrow is a rest day, then it's back to training on Sunday!

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