Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Journey to 26.2 Miles Begins with a Single Run in the Rain

Distance Run: 3.75 miles

Time: 50:23
Pace: 13:26 min/mi
Most challenging moment: Attempted and failed to leap a puddle
Most inspiring moment: Abby sees a flock of geese, does not chase

This is the face of "We could be in bed right now."
My Boston Marathon training regimen has officially begun! Despite the rain, I laced up my sneakers, put on Abby's halter, and filled my pockets with dog treats* to head out and get started.

I was, like, 82% sure I would slip on a wet curb and break my leg, thus ending my marathon dreams before they even started, but we made it back home wet but unharmed. I blame our iceberg pace on Abby's semi-regular pee breaks (we will not rest until we've claimed every patch of grass in Boston!!!).

Also, I forgot that Abby is inexplicably scared of the Charles River (a short list of other things that scared her on this run: plastic bag tied to the promenade railing, some guy in the doorway of the MIT boathouse, random innocent Asian lady).

Keep watching that river, Abby.
One run down, 165 more days of training to go!

*I just have this vision of myself, halfway through the marathon, reaching into a pocket for a protein bar or something and coming out with a handful of Beggin' Strips.

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