Friday, November 14, 2014

Dark and Cold

Distance Run: 3.8 miles
Time: 41:36
Pace: 10:58 mi/min
Most Challenging Moment: Digging deep to find the strength to leave bed
Most Inspiring Moment: I PASSED ANOTHER RUNNER!*

Waking up this morning, this was the cheerful news that greeted me:

I'm sorry...snow??? Snow??? I am not prepared for this.

It didn't help that I'm dealing with the beginnings of a cold. Or that by the time my alarm clock went off at 6:30AM, I'd already been awake for an hour, feeding the baby. Or that we decided to invite Abby up into bed with us for family snuggle time, and so just when I supposed to get out of bed and run in unreasonably cold weather, I was instead sandwiched between a snuggly baby, sleepy husband, and snoring puppy.

I woke up Dave and told him he had to stop hugging Abby so we could run, and all Abby had to hear was the word "run" before she leaped out of his arms and onto the floor, her little stubby tail flying off her butt.

I was really worried I'd get outside and it would be snowing and then I'd have to sit down on the front stoop and cry, but luckily (sort of), it was just really, ridiculously cold.** My tactic for dealing with cold weather is just run faster, which Abby seemed to agree with, so even though all I wanted was to snatch eggnog lattes out of the hands of every bundled commuter I came across, we actually managed to make pretty okay time!

And the best part about running in the cold? Coming home to tea, sweatpants, and a cozy couch.

It's the end of the week, and I want to thank the amazing people who supported me and Team Codman Academy this week! Thank you to my fabulous cousin Eileen, her husband Bill, and her two little munchkins, Sal and Nell, and thank you to my Aunt Joan and Uncle Mike! Your support means a lot to me and helps me get out of bed when all I want to do is burrow under the blankets like a gopher.

And dear reader, I hope you'll consider donating, too! It takes just a few minutes, and the glow of philanthropy will help keep you warm on this cold autumn weekend.

*Yes, she might have been adjusting her iPod at the time and yes, she might have passed me again 20 seconds later, but I'm still counting this as a win.
**When it's February and -12 degrees outside and I'm still waking up at 6:30AM to run, I expect I'll look back on this entry and laugh until I start weeping.

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