Wednesday, November 19, 2014

I Add a New Route to My Run, Promptly Get Lost

Distance Run: 5.11 miles
Time: 59:41
Pace: 11:41 min/mil
Most Challenging Moment: Where am I?!?!
Most Inspiring Moment: I know where I am!

The past few runs, I've pretty much gone the same route: down to the Harvard Bridge, hang a right when I get to Cambridge, run along the river for about a mile, turn around, and come back the way I came.

It's a nice run, but I wanted to shake things up a little, so today I decided to first run along the Boston side of the river, cross the Longfellow Bridge, run west on the Cambridge side of the river, and cross the Harvard Bridge home, making a big loop.

It went...okay...

First, the Boston river run is so much prettier than Cambridge, which normally would be a positive except in this case, everyone in the city decided to take their dog for a walk. And in between the dogs going for walks, there were squirrels. And in between the squirrels there were geese. And ducks. And colorful bits of paper.

Basically, it was like a vast wonderland of distraction for Abby, who spent the run lunging in eight separate directions at once, and I was wondering if I'd break an ankle and/or step on her before we reached...

...the Longfellow Bridge!

So pretty! So glowy in the morning light! So impossible to cross!

Right now, the bridge is under construction, which means the pedestrian sidewalk is located in some sort of other dimension. Finding it proved a mental challenge that I was not prepared for at 6:30 in the morning.

Doesn't look suspicious at all...

Getting warmer?

Abby eventually grew unamused by my frequent breaks to take photos/look around in bewilderment.

Hey, there it is!

I figured once I found the bridge, the hard part would be over, but once I got to the other side, it was all detour signs and open construction sites once again. I actually don't have any pictures because I was so confused I had to focus all my mental acumen on trying to figure out where I was. Given the number of times I turned around and retraced my steps, I'm surprised my GPS running tracker didn't start counting a negative pace...

Eventually I made it to the other side and found my way to the Cambridge river run, where Abby promptly discovered this flock of geese and almost ran them into traffic. Keepin' the hits coming.

It was great to run along a route I actually knew, and I think my confidence-fueled speed made up for my confused ramblings. For the first time, I felt really happy while running, and I even managed to smile as we crossed the Harvard Bridge, aka the Arctic Wind Tunnel.

Runner's high? We're getting there.

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