Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Back in Boston

Distance: 3.2 miles
Time: 33:43
Pace: 10:32 min/mil
Most Challenging Moment (me): GPS app fails, again
Most Challenging Moment (Abby): Monstrous dog in back seat of passing car wants to eat her, Abby gets distracted, runs into streetlamp
Most Inspiring Moment: The difference between a cow and a bean is a bean can begin an adventure!

We're back in Boston! Land of plentiful garbage cans, a thousand dogs, and open construction sites (today I passed underneath a chute full of wet cement).

It's nice to be home, mostly because the baby can get back on a semi-regular schedule. Last night she slept for six hours and this week, for the first time ever, she's actually taking naps. Naps! I never thought I'd see the day.

The downside to this new land of plentiful sleep is that I am greedy. When my alarm went off at 7am to get out and go running, I looked down at my peacefully snoozing baby and thought "I gotta get me some more of that." For the first time ever, I hit the snooze button. This is a risky move, because I am a champion snooze-hitter, and regular readers know I am on a schedule. I have to get out and get back before 8:30 so Dave can make it to work on time.

It was not fun, rolling out of bed 15 minutes later, but I did it. I got dressed. I bravely faced the 19-degree weather. And I decided I deserved a treat.

After years of ignoring those Spotify Premium ads, I decided to finally take the plunge and sign up for three months of Premium and I'm usually a pretty strict podcast runner, but that's also because my new iPhone has only one song on it (Jonathan Coulton's "Baby Got Back (In the Style of Glee)"). So having access to anything I want at any time I want is pretty nice. And what did I want today?

The new movie gave me a good excuse to reacquaint myself with the original, which was probably my favorite musical ever growing up. I can remember wandering around with my Walkman, listening to my tape of the Original Cast Recording until the batteries ran out.

Even though I probably haven't heard most of these songs in over a decade, I knew all the words, and it took all my effort to keep from belting them out along Mass Ave. (especially when the witch starts rapping about vegetables).

I've got Act Two to look forward to tomorrow, and in the meantime I'm staying cozy with my new under-the-desk foot warmer:

Energy efficient, runs on head scratches and Zuke's mini treats.

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