Monday, December 8, 2014

No Sick Days

Distance Run: 3.66 miles
Time: 44:14
Pace: 12:04 min/mil (yeah, it was not a good day)
Most Challenging Moment: ugh...I have to pick just one?
Most Inspiring Moment: Made it through the run?

When I woke up this morning (at 5AM. Thanks, baby.) I felt a little...blech. Achy, exhausted, nauseous.* It also didn't help that my weather app showed me this:


Winter is coming, y'all.

It was probably the first time ever that I really, seriously thought I would not be able to get out of bed. This would not be good, because my live-in babysitters, aka parents, are back in New Jersey this week, which means Dave has to watch the baby, which means I have to be out and back before 8:30AM or I miss my running window.

So, I heaved myself out of bed, got dressed, and got the puppy outside.

It was cold.

I tried to snap this picture of Abby leaning into the wind with her little ears pinned back, a look of determination on her face, but her ears flipped forward at the last second. Nevertheless, it was chilly. I wore my heavy duty running jacket, which, when I bought it, I assumed I wouldn't need for two more months, and between feeling a little...blech...and the weather, the best I could do today was a brisk shuffle.

The only positive was that I was going slow enough I almost managed to get a picture of Abby nose-high-fiving me.

She tends to do it pretty much only when we're running fast and having fun, so I imagine the thought going through her head when this photo was taken was probably something like "I'm supposed to get excited about this now?"

I'm pretty proud that I did my full run and made it home before Dave had to get off to the office. Just in time, too! See that white stuff on the ground?


*If, like Dave, you immediately thought that I might be pregnant, let me just leave this right here.

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