Friday, January 23, 2015

Let's Have Some Quiet, Please

Let's get the nitty-gritty out of the way first! Here are yesterday and today's stats:

Thursday Run
Distance: 6 miles
Time: 1:04:31
Pace: 10:45 min/mil
Most Inspiring Moment: I passed some people!

Friday Run
Distance: 3.03 miles
Time: 30:58

Pace: 10:12 min/mil
Most Challenging Moment: hmm... I can't think of one! EVERYTHING IS AMAZING
Most Inspiring Moment: Coming home to a house of quiet...

What I like about this picture is that the clouds were thicker on the Boston side than the Cambridge side, so it looked like the sun was rising over Cambridge. If you had told me, six months ago, that the most interesting thing of my day would have been realizing that the clouds made it look like the sun was rising in the west, I would have laughed and laughed and laughed...

I feel like I'm wrapping up a week of pretty good runs! Of course, that might just be because Iris almost went the whole night without waking up. I sort of want to give it to her, because what happened was I woke up at 4:45, freaked out because I hadn't heard the baby, and knocked over the baby monitor in my efforts to ensure she was still alive. She was, and she did not appreciate the noise.

So, I'm feeling extra chipper today having gotten a solid SIX HOURS OF SLEEP. Oh man. It feels good just typing that.

My run today went so well that I couldn't even come up with a Most Challenging Moment. I woke up, fed the babe, got dressed, had a great run, and came home to a quiet, empty house. This is even more amazing than the sleep thing. An EMPTY HOUSE. It feels good to type that, too.

Dave had taken the pup to school and brought the baby with them, and I beat them back, giving me a good 20 minutes alone. I was giddy with freedom and possibility. I didn't even take a shower because that would be time wasted (gross). What I did do was make myself breakfast and bask in the peace and silence (btw I love my family).

And now? Dave is at work, the pup is at school, the baby coming up on hour two of her nap, and I'm feelin' fine. My biggest concern right now?

The long run might be coming a day early!

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