Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Last Few Weeks in Running

This is how nutso life has been, that I 100% thought I'd just updated the blog, only to look at the date and realize it's been two weeks.

These last two weeks have been full of running, and with the marathon barely a month away, things are getting serious.

I'll skip the short runs except to say that I went for a run last week during Boston's first taste of warm weather and it was amazing. I was wearing a tank top! I put on sun block! Everyone was creeping out of their doors like cautious Munchkins, only to burst into song as soon as they realized the Wicked Witch of Winter was dead (sort of).

The other notable thing about being able to run outside again was discovering the Shake Shack on Newbury finally opened its doors. A Shack burger and fries never tastes so good as when you eat it immediately following a 5-mile run (pacifier not included):

Onto the weekend runs!

Distance: 13 miles
Time: 2:10:00
Pace: 10:00 min/mil
Most Challenging Moment: Uncertain ankle
Most Inspiring Moment: Hitting perfect 10-minute miles!

Distance: 19 miles
Time: ???? Tracking app went bust, around 4 hours
Pace: ??????
Most Challenging Moment: 19 miles is very long
Most Inspiring Moment: But not too long!

Two very different long runs! The 13-miler was in Boston, and it was a breeze and a half. Sunny, not too windy, a great distance--I felt good the whole time (and my ankle turned out to be okay!). I churned that sucker out with perfect pacing and came home with enough energy to tour five different apartments around Boston (are you looking to sell a beautiful charming home with period details, good bones, and an exclusive yard, in a great location surrounded by the best schools the state has to offer? Give me a call).

I think 13 miles might be my distance. It's long enough to be a challenge, but not so long that I wake up dreading the idea. By the end, I was feeling pretty tired, but not the "I hate life" tired that comes with my longer runs. And speaking of...

That 19-mile run...

Phew, that was a biggie. I was in New Jersey for the weekend with the kid (I spoke to my old high school about the glamorous life of a YA author), so I got to experience New Jersey's finest hills.

I decided instead of running 9 1/2 miles in one direction, turning around, and running home (like I do in Boston), I would do three 6 1/3-mile loops, with my parents' house as my starting and ending point. This gave me a place to stash my water, Nuun tablets, and brick of protein (flavor of the day: peanut butter chocolate), while also giving me access to a bathroom every hour or so.

For 19 miles on super hilly terrain, I actually thought I did okay. I went slo-o-o-ow, as usual, and the weather was not terrific--windy, cold, and, toward the end, a lovely wintery mix that was so irritating I actually said out loud "What is this bs coming from the sky?"

But, other than two short walking breaks to eat and drink, I ran the whole time and felt pretty good. Every time I crawled up a hill wanting to stop, I told myself "This is the most you've ever run! You're setting a new record for yourself!" and it kept me going. And there was something pretty cool when I collapsed inside and thought to myself that I'd never done anything like this before.

I have one more major run--20 miles, in two weeks, on my birthday (yaay)--before things start winding down in preparation for the marathon. I can't believe it! On the agenda this week: three easy runs (5, 8, and 5 miles) and a 12-miler on the weekend. Plus, with over 400 miles (!!!) logged, it's finally time to retire my faithful running shoes and switch them out for new shoes for the marathon (!!!!). Any color suggestions?

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