After ten straight weeks of not missing a single run or work out, I hit my wall. Specifically, a sneezing, sniffling, headachy, sleepless, negative-twenty-degree wall. I'd already been feeling not great, and then a scheduling problem meant I would have had to get home by 8:10, which would have me out of the house by 6:45, and then the baby (possibly with the same sniffles I have...) kept us up all night, including a one-hour scream fest starting at 4:30.
And, oh yeah, it is cold outside. Like, reeeeally cold.
All this meant when my alarm went off, I looked at Dave and broke down.
"I can't do it! It's too cold! I'm too tired!"
Because he is wonderful, he said to stop stressing about it and get some rest. And then he took the baby so I could sleep for an hour without hearing our little angel wail. Did I mention he's wonderful?
Thankfully, reinforcements will arrive tonight, and not a second too soon. My mom will be staying with us for a week, so I'll move my 6-mile pace run to tomorrow and Friday's 3-mile run to Saturday. The baby will get some grandma time, which means this mama will get some work and/or sleep time (looking mostly like sleep time...).
In the meantime, I am trying to bargain with the kid to get her to take her morning nap. Turns out four-month-olds are terrible negotiators...
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